Our Address
Level 42, Suntec Tower Three, 8 Temasek Boulevard, Singapore 038988.
Careshield Life policyholders who are/become severely disabled are eligible to make claims, and can receive payouts for as long as they remain severely disabled, and meet the terms and conditions needed to receive payouts. Payouts start at $600 cash per month in 2020, which increases annually until age 67 or when a successful claim is made, whichever is earlier.
To be eligible for Careshield Life claims, the care recipient must meet the following criteria:
- Must be a Careshield Life Policyholder.
- To find out if you are insured under Careshield Life, log on to careshieldlife.gov.sg with your Singpass.
- Unable to perform three or more of the six Activities of Daily Living, as certified by an MOH-accredited severe disability assessor.
These six activities are:
The ability to wash in the bath or shower or wash by other means.
The ability to put-on and take-off all the garments and medial appliances.
The ability to feed oneself food after it has been prepared and made available.
The ability to use the lavatory and bladder function through the use of protective undergraments
The ability to move indoors from room to room on level surface.
The ability to move from a bed to an upright chair or wheelchair, and vice versa.
A. Click here for the list of assessors.
B. For CareShield Life claims, the assessment fee for the first disability assessment will be waived,egardless of whether the care recipient is assessed to be severely disabled, or whether the claim is successful.
C. If this is not the care recipient’s first time being assessed for CareShield Life claims, the assessor will collect an assessment fee from you. If the care recipient is assessed to be severely disabled, the full assessment fee will be reimbursed to you with the first payout.
The fees are as follows, if:
- You visit an assessor's Clinic: $100
- An assessor visits your house: $250
D. If the care recipient is residing in a nursing home, the nursing home can help submit a Resident’s Assessment Form in place of the severe disability assessment. Please approach the nursing home for assistance.
Additional guidance for care recipient who lacks mental capacity to provide consent
1. The care recipient's donee/deputy# may provide consent on the care recipient's behalf. If the care recipient does not have such a donee/deputy, the caregiver* may make the application on care recipient's behalf.
#Donee/deputy must be appointed in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act (Cap 177) and is authorised to make decisions on behalf of the care recipient in relation to the care recipient’s property and affairs
*For successful applications without a donee/deputy and paying to 3rd party bank accounts (not applicable to nursing home accounts), the caregiver or another family member has 12 months to obtain a court order appointing him/her as a deputy, failing which the payouts will be suspended. For more information on how to apply for a deputyship, please visit the Family Justice Courts website.
Doctor’s certification for mental incapacity is only valid for six months, unless stated permanent.
2. Please submit the following addtional supporting documents:
Doctor's certification that the care recipient lacks mental capacity OR court order of deputy appointment OR recent medical report stating that the care recipient lacks mental capacity; and Copy of bank book or statement If you are nominating an account belonging to a deputy or trustee of the care recipient.